Other sermons in the series

SIFT - Acts 2:42
What got us here will not get us where we want to go.

SIFT - Acts 1:8-10
Why don't we share our faith more? SIFT through Acts with us and what...

SIFT - Conflict in the Church
Church conflict is prevalent in the world today. And it does great harm...

SIFT - Biblical Community
We are a culture that is extremely busy but lacking in significant...

SIFT - Don't Do it Alone
Every day we go to war with our sin. When we fight this war in our own...

SIFT - Needs
As the church grows, the number of needs to be met grows with it.

SIFT - Focus
If our focus is on anything other than the life-changing power of the...

SIFT - Baptism
Water baptism by definition doesn’t save you but obedience and...

SIFT - Sin
We have lost our fear of the Lord and have become desensitized to our sin.

SIFT - Persecution
The response of the world is often to utter threats or seek violence...

SIFT - The Holy Spirit
To be filled with the Holy Spirit means we live a life of joy through...