
A safe place to cultivate intimacy with Christ and authenticity with one another.

Women's Bible Study

Women’s ministry offers bible study periodically throughout the year. We meet on both Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am - 11:30 am and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm in room 215 of the Education Building.
Current Bible Studies:

John by Melissa Spoelstra
  • Offered Wednesday morning 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and Wednesday evening 6:30-8:00 PM 

Click the buttons below to register for the Bible studies or email the Women's Ministry to join after the start date. 

Together Life Group

The Together Life Group is for any woman who wants to connect with other women in a life group format.

What do we do in this life group?
  • We discuss and apply the sermons
  • We do topical studies together
  • We occasionally plan off-campus outings together
  • We pray together

For more information click the button below:

Ways to get involved.

Widow's Walk

This group is coordinated by Sue Bright and Connie Nahser. All widows in our community are invited to attend monthly luncheons designed to foster support and fellowship between women who have the common life experience of losing their husbands. A few times each year, we plan other special outings for the group.

Cover to Cover Reading Group

Cover to Cover . . . and everything in between! Come join us every other Tuesday as we discuss the current book.
To connect with other readers and get more information about current books and schedules, join the Cover to Cover Book group on Facebook by clicking the button below!

Meals Ministry

Our mission is to meet the unique needs of our church community and offer support during times of crisis. Our meals ministry is coordinated by Judy Fehnel and is designed to remove the burden of preparing meals for people in our church community experiencing trying life situations, injury, or illness. 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.